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W. 507 - O.A.A. Com'r 1865.             
War Dep't. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Washington, Decr. 29, 1865.
G. 21 (R.F. & A.L. Vol 2) 1866

Woodhull, Max.
Col. & A.A.G.

Encloses order for transportation of Mrs. Jane Lyles from Savannah, Ga. to Washington, D.C., and requests attention to delivery of the order & the starting of Mrs. Lyles on her way - also requests acknowledgement of receipt of Order.
(one enclosure.)

[[stamp]] Bureau R.F. & A.L. Washington. Rec'd Jan 15 1866 [[/stamp]]

Recd back OAAC. Jany 3'd 1866,
Recd O.A.A. Comr. Dec 30th 1865

Office A.A. Com'r - B ureau R.F. & A.L.
Augusta, Ga. Decr. 30th. 1865.

Respectfully referred to Col. H. F. Sickles, A.S.A. Com'r Savannah, Ga., for immediate action - this paper to be returned with action noted.
By Command of Brig. Gen. Tillson,
W. W. Deane
Capt. & A.A.G.

E. & M. 51.

Office OSA Com RF & AL
Savh Ga Jany 1st 1866

Respectfully returned to Genl Tillson, with information that Jane Lyles cannot be found in the City, I sent notice to all the Cold Churches requesting information of her whereabouts, without success.
H. F. Sickles
Col 147th USVI

E. & M. 60.

Office A.A. Com'r. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Augusta, Ga. Jan'y 9th. 1866.

Respectfully returned to Major - Gen'l Howard Com'r - attention being invited to preceding Endorsement. A Letter from Hon. Thaddeus Stevens making inquiry about Jane Lyles was referred to the undersigned more than a month ago; and Col. Sickles, A.S.A. Com'r at Savannah, was instructed to make diligent Search for her, but without success.
Dan Tillson
Brig. Gen. Vols. & A.A. Com'r.

E. & M. 60. 

Transcription Notes: