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colored apprentices to read the English language whereas they are required by the laws of the State to teach their White apprentices to read and write the English language and the common rules of Arithmetic, a very unjust and unwise distinction. I will endeavor to secure a change of the code in this respect.  There is much reason to fear that the enclosed Code is beyond and ahead of the public sentiment of the State and that it will be badly mutilated before it becomes a law.
I am yours very respectfully
Davis Tillson
Brig. Genl. Vols. 
A. A. Commr.

Major General O. O. Howard
Commr. Bureau R. F. A. L.
Washington D. C.

P. S. One of the direct and immediate effects of the stringency of laws regulating labor will be to drive the freed people to seek land and homes of their own.  This