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written demand for trial in the County Court, expressly waiving indictment and trial by jury, and upon such demand, it shall be the duty of the County Judge to appoint a day within seven days thereafter, and to give notice thereof to the accuser, if there be one, or to his attorney, and if there be no accuser, to any other person whom he may deem it important to notify. In cases presented by a Grand Jury, notice shall be given to the Solicitor General of the Circuit. On the day appointed, the trial shall proceed, unless continued for cause form time to time, and the effect of acquittal or conviction shall be the same as upon trial in the Superior Court, and in cases of conviction, the sentence shall be executed in the same manner. Sections 39th and 40th of this article apply to criminal as well as civil cases, provided that in all cases the accused shall be confronted with the witness, and the right of cross-examination be accorded to him.


§ 57. In cases not specifically excepted, the Judge's costs in the semi-annual Courts shall be the same as those of the Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts for like services. In cases in the daily Courts, if the sum or damages claimed exceed fifty dollars, then two thirds of such costs, and in not over fifty dollars, then one third of such costs shall be taxed as Judge's costs. The Judge's costs in criminal cases shall be two dollars for every case begun, and two dollars additional for every case tried or transmitted to the Superior Court. The Judge's costs for cases which discharge or special performance is prayed, or other like case no claiming money, shall be two dollars for each case, and the same for the foreclosure of mortgages, the partition of personalty, the removal of intruders, trespassers, or tenants holding over, and the trial of claims; also for the certiorari of any case. For case of forcible entry or detainer, abatement of a nuisance, or grant of private ways, three dollars. In other proceedings usually tried at Chambers, such as possessory warrants, Habeas Corpus cases and the like, three dollars. In cases in which no fees are prescribed by law, the Ordinary, or any three Justices of the Inferior Court, may determine what shall be the Judge's costs.

58. It shall be the duty of the special Bailiff, unless the Judge shall assign the duty to the Sheriff or his Deputy, to collect all judgements for costs, and the officer collecting them shall be entitled to retain ten percent thereof.
[[left margin]] Collection [[/left margin]]

59. In cases between master and servant, which shall go against the servant, the judgement for costs, upon notice to the master, shall operate as a garnishment against him, and he shall retain a sufficient amount for the payment
[[left margin]] 
Garnishment of servant
[[/left margin]]


thereof out of any wages due to said servant, or to become due during the period of service, and may be cited at any time by the collecting officer, to make answer thereto.

60. The costs known as Judge's costs shall be paid into the county Treasury, as well as all fines, penalties, forfeitures, proceeds of labor, and the like, and Judge shall be entitled to receive from the county Treasurer, a sum equal to one half the gross amount of all the costs known as the Judge's costs, for which judgement has been given, whether collected or not, that he may have no interest in throwing the costs upon the party, best able to pay them.
[[right margin]] Judges Costs [[/right margin]]

61. The fees on a contract, offered to be filed as a Court Contract, whether filed or declined for proper legal cause, shall be fifty cents if the term of service or rent is six months or less, and one dollar if over six months, or indefinite as to time. For any other clerical work, his fees shall correspond with those of the Clerk of the Superior Court.
[[right margin]] Fees on Contracts [[/right margin]]


1. Persons of color now living together as husband and wife are hereby declared to sustain that legal relation to each other, unless a man shall have two or more reputed wives, or a woman two or more reputed husbands. In such event, the man, immediately after the adoption of these provisions by the General Assembly, shall select one of his reputed wives with her consent, or the woman one of her reputed husbands with his consent, and the ceremony of marriage between these two shall be performed. If such man, thus living with more than one woman, or such woman living with more than one man, shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this section, he or she shall be prosecuted for the offence of fornication, and punished accordingly.
[[right margin]] Marriages [[/right margin]]
[[right margin]] Fornication [[/right margin]]

2. Persons of color, desirous hereafter of becoming husband and wife, must have the contract duly and legally solemnized between then, but co-habitation, with reputation of the parties, as man and wife, shall at all times be evidence of marriage, in cases, civil and criminal.
[[right margin]] Marriage Contract [[/right margin]]

3. Any one who is a charge to the public shall not be competent to contract marriage.
[[right margin]] Incompetence [[/right margin]]

4. The marriage of an apprentice, without the consent of his master, shall not be lawful.
[[right margin]] Apprentice [[/right margin]]