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Report on 12 M. 1866 D.T.

Headquarters Dep't of Tennessee,
Memphis, Tenn., March 5th 1866.

K 15 (R. F. & A.L. Vol 2) 65

Respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant General of the Army, through Head-Quarters Military Division of the Tennessee. with reference to the endorsement of Maj Gen Gillem

George Stoneman
Maj. Gen. Commanding.

E.B. 79
V. 1

Hd. Qrs. Mil. Div. Tenn.
Nashville Tenn. Mar. 9" 66.

Respectfully referred to Adjutant General of the Army inviting attention to preceeding endorsement.

Geo. H. Thomas
Major General

E.B. 555. V. 1. }

160 T. (A.G.O) 1866

Head Quarters, Dist of E. Tenn 
Chattanooga Tenn, March 1" 866.

E & M P. 90. Vol.3, D.E.B.

Respectfully returned and attention invited to the report of Lieut Wadsworth, whom I dispatched to Jonesboro to investigate the case and collect testimony with a view to bringing the accused parties to trial, before Mil. "Com". I am personally acquainted with Doctor S.B. Cunningham - Chancellor Lucky & Doctor Gibson and know them to be unfaltering Union men. From the report of Lieut Wadsworth & my knowledge of Dr. S.B. Cunningham I am convinced that Drs Williams and Clark could not be convicted of Mal. practice or cruelty by a Mil. Com; W.G. Gammon is beyond the limits of this Dist (E.5) & Capt Ed. Gammon was killed Oct 28th 1864, in action at Morristown Tenn between my forces & those of the rebel Genl Vaughn.

Alvan C. Gillem
Maj Genl

Transcription Notes:
Alvan C Gillem