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rights of the security of person and life.

While the State of Tennessee remains in its present attitude of antagonism to the expressed will of the government, in its refusal to extend to the freedmen his clear and undeniable right, it would seem to result, that in the existing status of the country, he is entitled to the protection of the military force of the government,-a protection which can be effectually extended only by allowing him a hearing before a military court, in which the truth will be alike respected, whether spoken by a white or colored witness.

It is therefore advised that the papers in the case be turned over to the military authorities of the Department of Middle Tennessee, in order that the facts be investigated and the guilty parties be brought to trial before a Military Commission.

The claim of Minerva Dangerfield, it is believed, is one of those contemplated and provided for in the Circular above referred to.

R. 18. 525.

J. Holt.
Judge Advocate General.