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Jonesboro, Tenn Feb. 16, 1866

Sometime in the year /63 or early in /64 a colored man who had been at work for Mr W.G. Gammon by the name of Griffin, as I was informed had absconded, with other colored men to avoid being put in the confederate Army. 

Being gone during the very cold weather some weeks was found in the woods with both feet badly frozen unable to walk or get to any place of relief. I think was found & reported by another colored man a waggon was sent out to bring him to Town

He was placed in the court house - used as a hospital. A consultation was had with physians of Town. I was requested but did not attend owing to indisposition. Doct. Williams called on me he had charge of the hospital & case - informed me fully of the case & the conclusion of the consultation  From his description I fully concurred with them. He requested me to operate or assist in the operation which I agreed to, if I were well. He postponed it it on my account one or two days & called again. I was yet unable but loaned him my instruments with which it was done. I never heard a suggestion


160 T (A.G.O) 1866
K 15 (R.F. & A.L. Vol 2) 65