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[[left margin]] L 76 (R.F. & A.L. Vol 2 ) 1865 [[/left margin]]

this meeting was conductted by 5 respectfull members of the Church
Resoluttion Proved and ADobt by this Body of People in this Secd Co of Va
Sine on back of this meeting
James W. daniel chair man

J.H. Laws secretary

Jacob Dabny. James Baimia Ellet manne
Also 2 other Countyes Essex Co. Kingenqueen Co the adjoining Co to middle orthoreise me to inform our frendes in Baurau of the Sufferment of these
The is with out any pertection expect a good meny of will be turned out of hose and homes as the winter is nobi coald we has not any to look but God and our frends in the Baurau to help us in our Strouge
most respectfull you obeden servaent in thes Scan County of Vig
the peoples ob thes 2 co impowerd me
J.H. Laws to hand in our Sufferement to the Judge of freedmen Baurau
he was inpowered Anny Peterson carterpete Hainy Brokenbeany of Essex Co