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No. 62.
D.F. Kenner,
Chairman Joint Committee

Reported by the Select Joint Committee of both Houses of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana

An Act
[[strikethrough]]Providing for the apprenticing of [[??]][[/strikethrough]]
Relative to apprentices and indentured servants
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
2 and House of Representatives of the State of
3 Louisiana in General Assembly convened, 
4 That it shall be the duty of Sheriffs,
5 Justices of the Peace, and other civil
6 officers of this State, to report to the
7 Clerks of the District Courts of their
8 respective Parishes, and in the Parish of
9 Orleans, left bank, to the Mayor of the
10 city of New Orleans, and, on the right
11 bank, to the President of the Police Jury,
12 on the first Monday of each month, for
13 each and every year, all persons under
14 the age of eighteen years, if females, and
15 twenty-one, if males, who are orphans, or
16 whose parent, parents, or tutor have not
17 the means, or who refuse to provide for
18 and maintain said minors; and, 
19 thereupon, it shall be the duty of the Clerks
20 of District Courts, Mayor, and President
21 of the Police Jury aforesaid, to examine
22 whether the party or parties, so reported
23 from time to time, come within the
24 preview and meaning of this Act, and, if
25 so, to apprentice said minor or minors,
26 in manner and form as prescribed by the
27 Civil Code of the State of Louisiana;

Transcription Notes:
added 0891 added strikethrough misspelled LA corrected