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0008 In talking with the blacks and his neighbors I found his version to be substantially correct. I was satisfied he was but acting in self defense and it would only bring my authority into disrepute to bring Ware to Mobile for trial. I told him that I would suspend judgement for the present. Ware's negroes, with but two exceptions, are with him and assure me they are contented. His is making a very good crop, better with one or two exceptions than any I saw. He gives his freedmen 1/5 of the crop. I also visited the plantations of Lieut. Ware, brother to the former named person, against whom I had complaints of severe treatment of his negroes. His negroes were also doing well and had no complaints to make. I am satisfied the story originated from some irresponsible vagrant negro. These plantations were as well appointed and the freedmen as contented and comfortable as any in that part of the Country. I returned to town and called by appointment upon a Mr. Thompson a large planter and a man of some practicability. I answered some questions which had suggested themselves but had not occurred to him the evening previous. He promised to explain to those whom he might meet the information I had given him. Mr. Thompson may be a valuable man to the Bureau in his section 7