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and to call their attention by letter to these complaints, and urge upon them respectively a vigorous prosecution of the accused, and that they take especial pains to protect as far as possible any failure of Justice for want of proper evidence.

If the Officers and agents of your Bureau would in their progress through the Counties, turn their attention in the same direction, bring all cases coming to their notice to the personal knowledge of the State's Attorney always found at the County seat - and aid and counsel the injured party in procuring the evidence that may be attained, I am inclined to think they would render to them as well as to the cause of Justice, a very important and practical service.

In looking over the various affidavits sent to me, the reflection is unavoidable, and I dare say, must have occurred to yourself, that the statements they contain being, as they are, entirely ex parte, and frequently made under circumstances well calculated to lead to exaggeration, ought to be received with many grains