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War Department
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned hands
Washington, November 21st, 1865.

Brev. Maj. Gen R. Saxton
Ass't Commissioner &c.
Charleston S.C.

I have the honor to submit for your information the following copy of an Endorsement upon the papers in the case of H.H. Middleton Esq of Charleston S.C. requesting a reconsideration of your decision in his case previously made. 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Washington Nov. 18, 1865
"Genl Saxton will please reconsider his action in the case of H.H. Middleton. His place does not seem to have been voluntarily abandoned. This being the case, please allow the existing contract to be complied with, i.e. the contract between the said Mr Middleton and the Freedmen."
O.O. Howard