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meet certain questions before the Commissioner of the other States. My position has been a delicate one. It has been almost impossible for me to tell how far I should go in the transfers fo duties of my officers, and yet retain control enough to insure justice to the negro
I have given away step by step, as the citizens seemed to come up to the proper standard till the present time when they bid fair to assume control of the whole matter by legislation, provided that legislation is in no way obnoxious, but meets the question fairly and secures the Freedmen justice
This action on the part of the legislation leaves my office nothing to do but to watch the civil officials in their treatment of Freedmen, appear in courts as their next friends, carry out our present system of schools, get our hospitals and asylums in as good a shape as possible for the care of the sick and infirm, and aid the civil authorities, when it is necessary, in executing legitimate laws.