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unfavorable, so that very little has been raised, probably less than sufficient to sustain all were it equally divided  The population may be divided into (3) three classes. 1st Those who have some wealth and, who, by industry and good management, have raised enough to meet all their wants. 2nd There is a class of men of very small means. They have a few hogs and cattle a mule or horse &c but who had either not returned from the army in time to plant a crop or were (as some of them habitually are) too indolent, and thriftless, to make suitable provisions, hence, they must of necessity feel the pinchings of hungers, more or less, 3rd There is a class of composed chiefly of women and children, who are truly in a destitute condition, and who, unless they receive aid from some source, must suffer much, if they do not perish, Some of these persons, are the wives and children of men now serving in the Union Army  An instance was related to me, of the wife of a Union Soldier, who on last Sabbath day, walked barefooted to church. Many are orphans and