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The white people lack confidence in the success of a system of free colored labor. The colored people lack confidence in the white man's in=tegrity, they fear that, were they to hire to him, and work for him, that he would not pay them for there labor. Confidence must be restored, (at least measurably, before a good State of things can exist. The more quickly, and the more perfectly, that confidence is restored, the better it will be for all classes. 
Every where that I went, after having addressed the people, I was cordially received, and highly complemented by all classes. The white people said that were they to say to the colored people what I did, that they would not believe a word they said because they had lost all confidence in them. The black people would detain me, and shake hands for half an hour, all the while exclaiming, Thank God, you's just de man we's been wanting to see; thank de Lord, you's help us mightily.

I addressed the people at Macon on a