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of which were wide open). Situated on one of the main streets leading into the City. I thought I saw men (Soldiers) and women lying on beds. I rode up to the door, dismounted, and entered the house, and there I saw in two corners of the house, cavalry Soldiers, and Yellow Girls, lying together on beds, and in another corner, blankets were on the floor, and another Soldier sitting beside two Yellow Girls. One or two other Colored women were crouching around a fire place. After looking at each one deliberately, I said boys you are not doing right, one replied, with an oath, asking if it was any of my business I made no reply but left the place I was afterwards told that gross indecencies, were some times practiced even in the Streets, in broad day light. 

On the part of some of the planters and other white citizens the feeling towards the colored people is even better, than could be anticipated when we consider the magnitude of the change