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They would not believe what she told them. They decided to endeavor to extort confession by whipping. She was stripped and required to lie on the ground with her face downwards. Her hands and feet were then fastened to four stakes They then flogged her till her back and the upper part of her arms were torn so that but little more than raw flesh could be seen the whole length and breadth of her back and upper arms. She was then chained, but by some means made her escape to the Bureau Agent at Oxford, at which place she was when I saw her bruised and lacerated body. It may be proper in this connection to remark that Colonel Donaldson took her to Grenada, placed her under charge of a medical officer, and directed the proper officer to have the perpetrators of the deed arrested, tried and punished.

Instances of inhumanity to colored people, are not rare. In the main however, I think that things are working as favorably as we can expect.