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J.W. Blackwell, H. Bursuss, W. Hall of Yazoo
Richard Carsen. Charles Devenport of Madison 
G.T. Richards of Munroe. 
Jonas Clark George Coll, Run King, Henry Miller, A.W. Ross of Warren.
Solomon Johnston of Washington, Henry Mason, H. Scott, C.P. Head, Albert Johnson, H.W. Walter, A Newton, Oliver Bramlett of Warren. 
The report of the Committee was received and adopted on motion of Mr. Washington the Chairman appointed a committee of three to nominate permanent officers. Messrs. Washington, Newton and Jones.
The Committee nominated the following gentlemen
For President Albert Johnson
Vice President J.W. Blackwell P. Cate H. Jones, T Anderson, G.T. Richards, G. Coles, H. Miller, S Johnson, and G.W. Walton. 
For Secretaries. H. Mason, G.W. Harris
Sergent of Arms. Richard Jones.
The President elect was conducted to the Chair by Messrs Washington & Jones, and the Vice Presidents each in the order of their names, came forward and