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Santos Martinez                                  1.

Comments on Proposal

New additions under:  Items not ordinarily available to Chicano artists (P.1).
1) Painting studio complete with easels.
(I draw on the kitchen table; have no place to paint at home- must make a trip to school to use easels).
2. Drawing tables.
3. Mat cutter for everyone's use.
Under: Building
1) paper cutter for office use (not the same as a mat cutter0.
2) [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] additions for camera
a). extra lenses
b). light meter
c). automatic flash

[[left margin]] Add- money for secretaries [[/left margin]]

Under Group Philosophy (P. 2)
Ratifying exhibits- a Chicano cause only?
May not necessarily hold true.
(i.e., a New York museum may ask us to exhibit [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] with Black Art under the title of American Minority Art, etc.).

Under Group Philosophy (P. 3)
Could we call what we are doing an art institute?
Not really, not as much as an art movement