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2. The RISING SUN OF SAN JUAN "Street sign by San Juan homes which are a housing project for Chicanos. The painting depicts the cultural imperialism of Anglos on the Chicano community. It is also further evidence of the primitive and colonial state of the Chicano people."
3. FAST BUCKAROO POLITICS "Concretizes the concept of the American government and its white muscles, which includes politics, economics and culture. The U. S. government segregates Chicanos and then oppresses us. Thusly, this painting is a painting of that oppression. Concerning the title, buckaroo here has 2 meanings: dollar and rural, western America...thus the fast buck, the swindler, the all-American superman, the Nazi."
4. TODOS SOMOS CARNALES "This is my reaction to an article in the newspaper concerning wetbacks. This is a fabrication of the white man. As far as I am concerned, the wetbacks are our brothers."
6. SACRED CONFLICT "Throughout this painting is an intermingling of ironic symbols. The Alamo means different things to different peoples. To the Anglos it represents what they call oppression by Mexican tyrants. But to the Chicanos the Alamo is a symbol of Anglo aggression. The Chicano flag over it represents our viewpoint, that is, that the Alamo was a victory for us, the Chicanos. Yet the Anglos claim the whole event as their victory. In a way the Alamo is a sacred symbol. It is an event trapped in the past, it is something beyond our manipulations and therefore something beyond criticism. But the different attitudes force me to apply meaning to this symbol. To be brief Alamo to me represents vengeance for the Chicano ,and the flag is the Chicano symbol for justice."
7. PHARR "What happened in Pharr was physical genocide; this was brutality on the physical level. This painting represents a tribute, on my part, to the people who fought there for LA CAUSA."
8. INSTANT GENOCIDE "Here I try to represent the institutional attitude toward Chicanos. The label is, of course, the Texas flag. The state of Texas is an institution and throughout its domain many whites are working to eliminate our culture. This is cultural genocide. I could not help being cynical when I titled this painting."