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August 1st 8 pm/ Mont St. Michel! We are here. We are delighted though we had to climb about 200 feet over stone stairs and narrow alleys to get to our little chateau. gegen welche wir vollständig in Liebe gefallen sind.Our hostess, a trim old Lady with a white cap, who speaks french quite fluently said when we inquired whether the water was good to drink "C'est l'eau du ciel, c'est le meileur que je peux vous donner"!


[[left margin]] Friedhof [[/left margin]] 

Transcription Notes:
The German sentence in the middle needs to be transcribed [[image]] is a pencil-hatched drawing of a cottage with a tall, piqued roof as tall as the cottage itself, with a fireplace and chimney attached on the left that stretches taller than the pointed roof, above which fly two birds. The cottage door is on the left side, flanked by a tall vertical window as well as three square ones above. In the foreground is sketched a raised path leading toward the cottage door, with two large pots of flowers on the right. A roof drain pipe is attached to the wall to the left of the door, leading to an open circular vat below.