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women have a hard time of it doing the lionshare of the daily labors. Their national costume, worn by all but strangers, was shown but a short time ago in the National  Geographic Magazine.

Arbe was the turning point of my journey, now I 'am homeward bound. At seven to night I will reach Fiume and take the Express for Vienna travelling all night.
7 P.M. I am sitting at the depot at Fiume, one of the most important Seaports of Austria. All directions and signboards are in hungarian - none in german - though this is not Hungaria proper. Some hungarian peasants are about the waiting room in their primitive savage looking attire. The men pull up their skirt like linnen trausers showing their bare legs underneath. A woman is stroking and caressing her son, most probably he has been drafted into the army. The men have shoes, all the woman are barefoot. Such were my brethren, mine by birthright, for there I was to serve three years and give my life if war broke out.

Wednesday June 23.
Und dieses war der Tag des Wiedersehens mit meinen Couleurbrüdern und der Abend auf Ihrer Bude. O——

alte Burschenherrlichkeit es [[klang - cut off]]

Transcription Notes:
entry at bottom of page is in German