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reference to the various branches of it by Mr. Ruckstuhl. Miss. E. B. Longman, of New York, is at present designing a "Victory", which is to surmount the entrance dome of this building. I may here say that another well-known sculptor, Miss. Enid Yandell, is making similar "Victories" for the two restaurant buildings which form the termination of the Colonade. Other work on this building will be done by Mr. W. M. Manatt and Mr. B. L. Zimm.

The entire sculpture problem of the Education Building is in the hands of Mr. H. B. Bringhurst, of St. Louis, and we have all reasons to hope that it will be carried out in a highly satisfactory manner.

Four seated figures representing "Heat," "Power", "Light" and "Speed" for the Electricity Building, by Mr. A. Lukeman, of New York, are nearly completed, and so are the heroic decorations for the towers of this building, by Mr. B. Pratt, of Boston. Mr. Charles Grafly, of Philadelphia, has been asked to do a large group over the main entrance.

The Transportation Building will have a considerable number of statues and groups for its adornment, but so far I have selected no sculptors for them, it being my purpose to withold [[withhold]] this work and ultimately commission it with such sculptors as shall have done the most successful work on other buildings. I believe that I shall have in this way an incentive to the younger members of our profession to do the best work they are capable of.

At the Midway we will be welcomed by Remington's group of Cowboys on a Tear.

This concludes what I have to say in regard to the strictly artistic part of my undertaking, but of equal importance, and perhaps more difficult, is the technical execution of all these ideas that will be given form by the various sculptors. As I have already stated, the artists are quested to make scale models of a certain proportion, which will then be carried out to full size under my direction. I have made the necessary arrangements to do this work as speedily, correctly and economically as possible, and have secured for this purpose a workshop in the neighborhood of New York City, situated on a principal