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Edith Gregor Halpert, Director 
32 EAST 51 STREET, NEW YORK 22, N. Y. 

June 20, 1947

Mr. Vincent J. Scully, Jr.,
5005 Whitney Avenue
Mt. Carmel, Connecticut

Dear Mr. Scully:

The Stuart Davis painting referred to is dated about 1930. Unfortunately we have no photograph of that, the Marin or the O'Keeffe, but are sending you a print of the Sheeler, dated 1947.  The Marin and O'Keeffe were photographed by An American Place which is not well organized and is impossible for us to locate any individual prints. As a matter of fact, we should very much like to order a print of each from you, when and if you have a negative made. All four of the pictures referred to were owned by the artists and in their possession until we obtained them on consignment. If there is any further information you would like to have, please communicated with us.

Sincerely yours

Edith Halpert


Telephone PLAZA 3-3707