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October 2, 1947

Dear Mrs.Halpert;

I have left Andover and Bart Hayes to come with my new husband to Middletown and have taken over the work on the catalogue that Vincent Scully was doing for Mr. Hitchcock's project with the Miller Company collection, among other things.
Scully apparently wrote you about the Stuart Davises in the collection but I can't quite make out enough to complete the records. We have For Internal Use only which is clearly dated 1946. There seems to be great confusion about the title of the other one. I have one list that calls it Composition. Paint 1863 and Scully has written in View of Gloucester. He also has a 1933 date in spite of your letter which says about 1930. I have to be very accurate with these details for such a publication and I wonder if you would look them up and straighten me out. 

Thank you for any assistance, 
Sincerely yours, 

Mary Chalmers Rathbun

Mrs. Edith G. Halpert
The Downtown Gallery
32 East 51st Street
New York, New York