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SENT BY Xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 5-22-89 ; 3:34PM ; 2127440655→ 12036346926;# 1


May 22, 1989

Mr. Burton Tremaine, Sr.
Miller Company
99 Center Street
Meriden, CT 06450

Dear Mr. Tremaine:
I am writing to let you know that I have been commissioned by the Estate of Stuart Davis and Salander-O'Reilly Galleries to prepare a catalogue raisonne of the artist's paintings, watercolors, gouaches and drawings. The catalogue will be published by Yale University Press. It will be a chronological, annotated catalogue, with a brief text and supplementary material. Each work will be illustrated. As you can imagine, the effectiveness will depend on its completeness. I am, therefore, very dependent upon the assistance of people such as yourself, and I cannot emphasize strongly enough how much I shall appreciate your participation. Let me assure you that all information will be kept confidential.

At this time, I am requesting the pertinent data on any work by Stuart Davis now in your collection, or that you may have owned. I would be pleased if you would fill out and return the enclosed form for each painting, watercolor, gouache or drawing. If you have any letters from Davis or other documents pertaining to him, I would appreciate having copies. I realize that this is a time-consuming task and regret the imposition.

I am also compiling a complete photo archive on Davis's work. Thus, if you have an 8 x 10 glossy print (for which we would, of course, be happy to pay) I would very much appreciate it. Perhaps you could also let me know whether a color transparency is available. If you do not have a photograph yourself, but know of a photographer who has a negative, please let me know and I shall contact him directly. If possible, it would be useful to have a polaroid of the back of the painting.

In addition, I would appreciate hearing from you about works in other collections that you might be aware of and that might otherwise escape my attention. Let me thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance. If I can provide any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

W.C. Agee
William C. Agee

Advisory Committee
The Estate of Stuart Davis
Diane M. Kelder, Professor, Art History, City University of New York
John R. Lane, Director, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
William S. Lieberman, Chairman, Department of Twentieth Century Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art

c/o Salander-O'Reilly Galleries 22 East 80 Street New York, N.Y. 10021 Tel: (212) 879-3191 

Transcription Notes:
Removed [[preprinted]] and [[letterhead]] [[footer]] and ^ notations - per the rules