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[[?]] sold it in bottles at lunch - he 
sold 10 cases for lunch - 240 bottles! 
I didn't see his place, but they said it was jammed full.  Seymour and Curtins said that downtown the air seemed different & people improved in spirits - I wonder how it will be - will it improve the depression - Curtins feels that Hitler is good! Though he feels horrified at the treatment of the jews. He thinks a drastic change of regime with its consequent pull & excitement is making people get together & work - & Germany needed it - he thinks it will work wonders. He even thinks that in the beginning a leashed press is a help - In speaking of war - doesn't think it is possible for 10 years anyway - mentioned with some bitterness the fact that the Germany frontier is now on the back of the Rhine - no longer the natural frontier - & that France is very strongly guarded there. war came - the Ruler - & all Germany's coal would go at once. Somehow we always 

Transcription Notes:
Used the names Seymour and Curtins based on the likeness of names on reviewed by others on previous page (26)