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I tried to get a veil for my hat - couldn't get near the counter - so I went to McCrearys - a cheaper brand of dept store - not a soul in the place - shop girls fresh & smiling - got one in a minute - & that is my spring shopping!! Depression baby.  Then I worked a bit - & then to Giovanna's for dinner [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] with the boys - A most superb meal - chicken etc- & when G. started cooking she could oly cook spaghetti & fried eggs! An architect was there - Mr. Averill - a charming man almost 40 yrs old - knew Gio - in Florence - very sensitive & worn looking - with a nice feeling for the nice things in life. We talked over beer & chicken & salad - etc - & we got onto the Regent's architect exam subject- Tom has just heard that he won't know till next week - Mr. Averill knows an examiner connected with the board - who considers the exam this year most unfair. Almost impossible