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Mr. Clement Greenberg
Box 220
Chenango Lake Road
New York

Oct. '76. Frankenthaler

Editions E.C., 74 rue des Archives, PARIS.
Imprimé en Hollande-Reproduction Interdite

18 Oct 76
Whirlwind week - - busy, and a few good sights and pictures and faces -- and some lousy ones - - Toured the Beaubourg museum this a.m. and, in it's unfinished state, it looked damned good. Wonderful space of [[?]] put the right stuff in it. Went to the Marmottan to see the Monets with Tony and Dominique - - (the only good art we'd seen; the spirit of the Fair is splendid but what they show!! Olitzki looked v. good). Visited Mme Prérot and she mentioned you. Also saw Templon and Pulitzer galleries. One senses big effort to shift and update the scene. We'll see. Think my 5 pix were the right ones. I'm coming home tomorrow, and let's talk the rest. Maybe shaving brush in hand. Be well. love Helen

Have you met w. Minda de Gunzberg yet? Will fill you in -

66 - Bouquinistes devant Notre-Dame