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Dear Jake & Gwen

First- I received official confirmation that my degree is in the mail from Empire State College-State University of NY. Again I thank you Jake for your continued support in recommending me for independ [[strikethrough]] ly [[/strikethrough]] study. I am back to painting and just finished a 5 x 6 foot painting for a Social Service Center in the Bronx. I am teaching 4 hours a week at the Educational Alliance - for the CETA program - which I've been with since Jan 1978 and will terminate this June. After that unemployment insurance until something turns up.

I stopped by Ferry Dintenfass and found out that Ray Saunders - as of 1 month ago- is no longer on the roster. Anyway one of the siblings that works there told me - not Terry - so? From 21 black painters in galleries on Madison Ave, its down to 5 or 6 now - scene is getting very conservative along with everything else. I didn't get the Guggenheim - but I'm hanging in for the Endowment. Understand Ernie is on the City Art Commission - haven't spoken to him yet - saw Bearden the other day - things here are hectic as usual - just the nature of this town. The Studio Museum put out two nice publication; I can't remember