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OCT- 13- 80

Dear Jake-

I have been intending to write you for some time but a million small things always pop up. 

I am sending you some slides to give you an idea of what I have been doining. All are recent - the first 4 oils are somewhat the direction I'm going in. "Ode to Zimbabwe" a 85 percent [[?]] collage was just for the Center. Slides From Lagos - the juju gods are down to Below the Sahara are just things Ive done - I just put them in to give you an idea - they were in the first African series show - 1975

I have done more things using the oil on paper technique but they were sold before I could get slides made.  Also I'm working on some small mixed media things of which Ive done about 30 which I hope to exhibit in a batch of about 60-75. I have a lot of these boxes 5 1/4 x 7 1/4 the ones with plexiglass [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] with 3 holes in the back for hanging. 

I don't have any slides yet. I also acquired the building that my studio is in and so Ive taken time out for repairs and things which just have to do with being a land lord.  I have 2 stores on the street level and I [[strikethrough]] opp [[/strikethrough]] occupy the 3 floor on top.  Im thinking of using one of the rooms on top [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] FOR viewing for a few select people.  I have an article comming out in 2 installments in a suppelment that goes into the Amsterdam News as well as 25 newspapers around the country the end of October and (November) the end also.  It might be in one of those Afro papers out there.  I tried to give a little historical  HISTORICAL information about the fifties on - An overview.  Will send you a copy of you don't get it out there.  I am in an exhibition