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NYC 10002 NY

Dear Jake
Just a little note to wish you & Gwen a Happy New Year & good Health.
Things here in the city right now is cold suppose to be the coldest day in this century.
Anyway Cynthia and I went to the club today and did our excercize and had a dip in the whirlpool and took a swim. Its something I try to do once or twice a week to keep in shape.

[[left margin]] Studio Museum in Harlam [[/left margin]]

I am still working on the Afro On Exhibit of Expatriates opening it in late June.  The curator is going over there in Feb to cement all the problems Its with Walter Williams from Middleton - Cliff Jackson & Herb Gentry. My exhibition in Jamaica will extend to Feb 26 as channel 13 is doing a thing on me for the month of Feb. I saw Bearden's film at the Brooklyn Museum and I see where Im included in it.
"Just a walk on" it's a very good film. Saw Ernie at the opening. Dr Clark (Ken) had an art opening and I drop up and spent some time. He's busy as ever. I am trying to get back to painting more, I get into a lot of distractions as I come to find out that being a land lord has its problems. I have two stores [[strikethrough]] downtown[[/strikethrough]] downstairs & dealing with the red tape with the City is like a jigsaw puzzle - Anyway, Cynthia says its upward mobility. Nevertheless - things are  moving along - the art scene is as hectic as ever. 

Im closing - keep well
Cynthia sends her love to your both

Vince [[image]]

P.S. AMIRI Baraka began yesterday to serve 43 weekends in jail for a 

Transcription Notes:
image: drawing of a face.