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2 XII 51 c/o Amer Ex Florence: I've thought of you so often that I keep thinking I have written. I've had various little onesided conversations that never got sent. I've told you that I'm settled here for the winter - on the right bank; that after climbing 124 steps I look out on the Palazzo Vecchio The Duomo, The Campanile etc; that my terracotta stove seems adequate, my bathtub a la Degas tin-tub completely inadequate. I must have gone on to say that I take my baths chez J. & M who are on the wrong bank but with a sliver of a view of the Arno and the Palazzo V. much farther away than my P.V. J also has a studio that's too cold to use - huge, with a huge grand on which we play d'Anglebert and Scarlatti. I bought all 500 pieces of the latter. There are really about 10 multiplied by 50... Have you, for your clavichord, tried Azzolino della Ciaja? He is Js great discovery: Very bizarre and wonderful, I think... I know that I haven't written MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR to you & Mrs. Aitken. I say so now, hoping that it be a specially good 1952. Yours Paul

Fol. della Sovrintendenza Monumenti e Gallerie di Pisa
Edit. Cartoleria Toncelli - Pisa

[[postmark]] NEW YORK, N.Y. DEC 7 730 AM 1951 [[/postmark]]
[[stamp]] OLD CHELSEA STATION [[/stamp]]


Webster AITKEN
[[strikethrough]] 33 Washington Sq. W. 
New York N.Y. [[/strikethrough]]
Music Department
Carnegie Institute of Technology
Pittsburgh, Pa