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Willard Gallery Incorporated
29 East 72 * 212 - RH 4-2925
New York * N.Y. 10021

May 12, 1965 

Dear Larry

The evening at the Waldorf a week back was very interesting. We cannot thank you and Barbara enough. I only wish time would permit my asking Lloyd Goodrich a few more questions. His talk was fine. But I guess the things or moments we enjoy in life pass by entirely too fast. 

At the dinner table Dr. Burton mentioned the following to me; the Detroit Museum has never been offered an important Marin. This I do not understand. What were we doing at the Downtown Gallery all these years. When your Museum wanted a Stuart Davis, I seem to recall three or four of you people, including Bill Woods, came to the Gallery and made a selection. As you know I will cooperate; if you wish. But I am leaving for Europe in a few days. We will open the Willard Gallery in September. I can definitely select some very important examples in oil and watercolor; from these you people may arrive at a decision. In other words, let us make the date for September.

I hope Barbara and yourself have a wonderful Summer. What are your plans?

One more thing, has anything more transpired with your friend from the Louvre; for the moment I cannot recall his name.

Again many thanks and take care of yourselves.

Your friend


John Marin, Jr.