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59. "Grand Hotel de l'Observatoire", 13 x 17, black and brown
box with screening, mirror, white background and perch,
inscribed on back "Al Sesto Cantare" and signed,

60. "Hotel/Boule d'Or", 13 x 19, dark blue box with Vermeer
lady against dark blue ground, long note on back "Tenative/
c.a. 1952-53...", signed $17,500

61. "Grand Hotel Bon Port", 10 x 17, yellow varnished box with
wood perch and collage wings background, rod with 3
cylinders, signed $16,000

62. "Grand Hotel/Hotel Taglioni", 10 x 17, blue-green box, collage on white ground, mirror and uprights, signed $15,500

63. "Hotel de l'Etoile", 13 x 19, grey box, holes in side and
top, signed on back 10/1953 $17,500

64. "Hotel du Nord-Ostend", 12 x 18, blue box, rod with cylinder
against white ground, signed and dated 8/13/59

65. "Hotel de l'Etoile", 12 x 18, yellow box, rod with appendages, driftwood and radiant sun, signed $16,000

66. "Grand Hotel Bon Port/Hotel Bellini", 10 x 16, bluish stained box with collage on white ground, signed $15,500

67. "Ostende/Grand/Hotel Fontaine", 10 x 18, brown stained box
with 2 cylinders, bracelet, chain and rubber ball on rod,
signed $15,500

68. "Grand Hotel Bon Port", 13 x 19, Bermeer collage with white
ground, uprights and cross piece, signed $15,000

69. "Grand Hotel", 10 x 15, holes in glass, white ground, signed
and and inscribed on back "Serenade for Juan Gris No. 2"

70. "Hotel de La Mer (de l'Etoile)", 11 x 18, blue box with blue
stained glass, signed $15,500

71. Hotel Series, 12 x 18, blue box with white pole, cylinder
on rod, signed $18,000

72. "Hotel du Nord", 12 x 18, 3 cylinders on rod with white
ground, signed and dated 1950 $16,000