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Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Box 7646, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101  Telephone: 215 763-8100  Cable: Philmuse

March 16, 1978

Mr. Robert Schoelkopf
Schoelkopf Gallery
825 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10021

Dear Bob,

(Much too) long time no see! I have been locked up in Philadelphia hard at work on local projects but plan to start running around my old haunts in New York again soon.

In the meanwhile, could I ask you for a great favor apropos of an article I am writing on one of our recent acquisitions, a box by Joseph Cornell inscribed to 
Juan Gris. Linda Hartigan told me that you had exhibited and later sold a collage by Cornell entitled Coin de Juan Gris (done in the early 1960s?) which includes the image of a cat, a rose, and a segment of a reproduction of one of Gris's works.

I have seen a photo of the collage and would love to illustrate it in my article, which will appear (all too soon) in our museum Bulletin. Do you think the present owner will give me permission to reproduce it and can you dig up (or tell me how to order) a photograph? Am I right in thinking it is a Schiff photo -- I have what I think is a negative number: 521790 565S.

Let me know whether I can or should write to the present owners -- if so, I'd love their address. I hate to bother you with this since I know you are deluged with papers and photos, but I would vastly appreciate any and all help. I also would love to know if the collage was inscribed and dated in any way on the back. Would you have a record if so?

With many thanks in advance and warm greetings,
Yours faithfully,
Anne d'Harnoncourt
Curator of 20th Century Art

P.S. If the telephone is easiest          
I am ext. 326 or 327

Transcription Notes:
Aligned to the left per SI instructions, other corrections