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Á Monsieur le Directur
d la Schoelkoff gallery
New York

July 25, 1985

Dear Sir :

I am working on a book on "American avant-garde of the 1960-1970 decade", more accurately : New abstraction, minimal art, anti-form, concept art.

My project includes an assessment of the work of a number of American artists. At this time, I need to document the current location of their works, the existence of written and visual materials about them and the possibility of visiting sites where such information exists.

As I know that you have contributed to the history of the above-mentioned movement, I feel free to ask for your assistance in order to document my research.

Since you have exhibited the work of some of the artists on my list (see : post-scriptum 1) I would appreciate knowing whether you still have any of their works in your collection, whether or not you have written or visual documentation on the artists and their works, whether or not you could send me slides (which I will be happy to pay for) and whether or not I might visit your collection and use your documentation at a later date.

At this moment I would be very grateful if you could let me have some allready published documents (see the list : post-scriptum 2), original or photocopy, on terms you would decide upon.

I can assure you that any assistance that you can provide will lead to recognition in the final publication of your contribution to the career of the artists and the writing of the book.

If it is more convenient for you, please send the answer and documents c/o the * Belgian Embassy - 3330 Garfield Street  Washington D.C.  20.008.

Thanking you in advance for your kind collaboration and looking forward to a prompt answer, I remain.

Ans 8-19-85

Yours sincerely,

Claudine Humblet
Dr. Claudine HUMBLET

Author of 
"Le Bauhaus de Weimar"
L'Age d'homme - Lausanne,
Switzerland, 1980
Counselor to the Francophone
Cultural community of Belgium
Member of the A.I.C.A.
(International association of art-critics)