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Robert Lynn Batts Tobin
San Antonio

October 13, 1958

Mr. Alan Groh
The Stable Gallery
924 Seventh Avenue at 58th Street
New York 19, New York

Dear Alan:

It was good to hear that the Cornell "that pours" is still available. I enclose a cheque for it. I really rather suppose that there will be those who will have my head examined when they see it; but truth will win out. I suppose. 

If there are any pouring instructions that accompany it, I would be delighted to have them. To ease the problem of rearranging its sands. 

I will return the photograph after I have shown it to John Leeper. I do not hold out much hope for the purchase: I fear that Carillo Gil's Orozco will win out.

A thousand thanks for the invitations. I will try to take you up on them. 


R. L. B. Tobin
R. L. B. Tobin