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PAUL MANSHIP   page 3.

Manship's conception for the central feature of the Memorial was one of his happiest; a high armillary sphere with the signs of the Zodiac and seated in its base, the human family, father, mother and child glorifying life.

for various reasons, the sphere was not approved and a heroic figure of the President delivering an oration was substituted.

Manship was [[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]] staunch and discerning in his personal relations. His life was crowded with honors. he was little given to making apothegms, but after his death his son John found in the pocket of a dressing gown two scraps of paper: one read: "The Genius, is the Brute with the Delicate Touch". The other: "The primary impulse in the Arts is to give permanence to the fleeting moment, to bid it stay, because we cannot bear to loose it",