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Aug 4, 1953.

Dear Leon,

It was nice to hear from you the other day. How well I understand your complaint about establishments for the arts & crafts & the difficulty of securing the high quality of technical assistance which used to be the normal expression of pride in his craft of the artisan. Now it is haste to turn out the job & make money that dominates the employers thinking, & sadly the [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] worker's too. Too often there are few marble workers left, & practically no plaster casters competent to do good work under 70 years of age. Sculpture because of its craft difficulties & cost is becoming obsolete except for the doodlers & the dilatantes. Anyway I can not complain too much of my enforced vacation with my poor 6 weeks in plaster, which comes off Aug 16th, then John & I will fly to Rom about Aug 27th (I hope). When we will be in Paris, I dont know yet, but I'll be in Milan & Florence off & on. I'm trying to get Eric Gugler to go along. Perhaps you can join us for a few days, somewhere, sometime, anyway, I'll see you in Paris later. Love to Viette.

Best Wishes
Yours, Paul

[[left margin]] I'm in N.Y. for a couple of days, then back to Lanesville for 2 weeks more. Paul [[/left margin]]