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more than funny so we drove down and picked him up and this time he actually went along.

I have a number of letters to answer and thought I had better write to you first and then continue.  Mamie Seaman wrote me from Chamonix and they all seem to be having a most beautiful time.

Miss Meynen is very well and we were shelling peas this morning when we got your letter.  I believe they will be the last.

What made you forget the wedding day, we got up something funny to act, and as they could do nothing else but 

laugh they must have enjoyed it. 

I took [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] supper at the [[?]] last monday and had a very pleasant time, played Halma with Fritz which unfortunately made me very sleepy, what it is apt to do.

Walked to top of field in front of our cottage had a lovely view of lake and went into the woods 
Elizabeth F. went along and we enjoyed it very much ploughing through the high grass. 

Now goodbye your loving sister
Dorothea A Dreier.
Remember me to Uncle