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45 Wall Street,
New York, Mch. 13/14.

Dear Dodo,

Enclosed is receipted bill from Hensel B. & L. for entering the painting.

I am not sure whether I wrote you about Meta Brinyes who has been sick for some time. She had to drive over to her specialist in N.Y. about every other day which cost $4.- each trip. Of this they the children paid $1.- each trip & I agreed to help them out with the balance. Mary & Kate are willing to stand a share & I hope you will also which would divide the expense in four. Kate can tell you all about it.

I have now paid for 4 mos. & should like to get some back as I am running short. The amounts are

Nov. 18.-
Dec. 44.-
Jan. 37.-
Feb. 36.-   135. - 1/4 = 33.75

Tom Vietor's present 1/5 of 100.30  20.06
Wreath for Mrs. Mosle 1/4 of 12.-  3.-  56.81

I have now $50.- of yours, but if I use that, it will be more than used up, so perhaps you would prefer to send a check for 56.81.

I hope Kate arrived in good time.

In haste,
Your bro., 

[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]

[[note]]Mrs. Peter Voorhees  1959 [[/note]]