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Dear Dodo, 

It seems some time since I wort  you or since I heard from you & I hope everything is going well with you.

Ethel wrote you from Princeton I believe where we had gone to spend our wedding anniversary.  It is a charming place which we enjoyed very much, having lovely spring weather & getting a good rest for this week which is a strenuous one.

Encl's is statement from Cray & Co. reporting sale of your 220 Grt. Northern Nights amounting to $378.13 check for which I have deposited this  morning for you in the [[?]] Co.

This week the Squadron celebrates its 25th anniversary & we began by a review on Monday, a ball today, a dinner Sat. & a parade on Sunday.  Yesterday we had a dinner at our house and Friday we go out to the Loys.  Monday we dined at Seth Thomas in 88th St. before the Review.  Yesterday the Raellens, Rob. Pierreponts, Alfred Wendts & Petros were with us.  Tonight the Neigaards take us in this motor to the Ball which will be at the Biltmore Hotel.

Saturday last was the last run of the hounds this spring which means I missed it being at Princeton. My friend Jerry Beall who bo't "Wagoneer" had quite a fall as a result of trying to jump a fence.  They say  was so high it had snow on it!  He is getting on well.  

Goodbye for the present.  Encld is postat from Anna.

Your bro, 

[[stamp]]ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]