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Dear Dodo,

Your recent letter was recd a few days ago.  John is getting on very well, the acute stage of the measles having lasted only a few days.

I have now rec'd the two additional certificates of 10 shares each (20 in all) of the Alglo-Am. Oil Co. #F11688/9 & will put them in your box at the first opportunity.  The old certificates had coupons #3 & 4 attached which I have collected for you.  #5 coupon was kept by the Co. and #6 coupon was also due and collected by me.  Encl's is duplicate deposit slip for these 3 coupons amounting to $43.79.  When entering them in your checkbook, be sure you put down the name of the Co. as the Income Tax applies to them & you will have to account for them at the end of the year.  I have in the meantime signed a slip for your requesting exemption up to $3000.

Encl'd is notice from the Frontline T. Co. regarding the trust certificates which I will attend to with my own.

Referring to our conversation regarding two bonds for your deposits, enclosed is a letter I rec'd from the Kings Co. Trust Co.  You will notice that this surplus & undivided profits are almost five times this capital which makes them very strong.  Perhaps you would rather have another Brooklyn Bank than the N.Y.L. has or [[?]] in NY.

The other children are all well.  Yesterday Theo. celebrated