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Beverly Pepper Via Massimi, 103 Dear Clem: Enclosed please find a photograph of David's sculpture and some stats of his letters to Jorie. I'm only using this as an excuse to write you and tell you how nice it was to get to know you and to thank you for the warm notes you have sent. I will be in New York towards the end of November. My show here will be on November 2nd and I have been working incredible hours to get enough to fill the Marlborough. For the moment it looks as if I will be working in Newark, New Jersey from the end of November thru January but actual details have not yet been settled. I'll let you know when, and will look forward to seeing you sometime in between internment in the factory! Love, Beverly [[note]] Mailed: April 1966 [[/note]] look what I found unmailed-- see you when I return in mid May-- luv-- Beverly