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Transcription: [00:49:32]
{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
That's a powerful phrase. And if we have to embrace that phrase in a person, I don't think it's a better person, really - to help us maintaining the north of - "Where should we go? Where are we supposed to be going?" - than Alice Waters.

So, I know we are gonna be celebrating her outside, but I do believe we need more than one recognition, so help me give her a big round of applause for everything she is doing.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
Thank you.

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}

{SPEAKER name="José Andrés"}
OK, we don't have insurance here - so please don't hurt yourself. [[audience laughter]]

{SPEAKER name="Alice Waters"}
No, but - just bring them right over here ... [[cross talk]] I could have them.

{SPEAKER name="Marty"}
One--one final thought before--before we all adjourn up to the courtyard, where we're going to have the portrait unveiling and a--and a ceremony and presentation for that -

but the parting thought for this wonderful, really wonderful conversation - Alice and José - is: 'Isn't she a remarkable human being?' - and - 'Aren't we lucky to have her?'


{SPEAKER name="Marty"}
Please go on up to the courtyard.

Transcription Notes:
There is something said (some slight talking over each other and possible microphone cut-out) between ~00:50:20 and 00:50:27. ^^I caught some of it - yep, significant cross-talk !