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Transcription: [00:51:43]
{SPEAKER name="David C. Ward"}

{SPEAKER name="Audience "}
As you've written about Robert Mapplethorpe,
I'm wondering if you feel that your story has been told through your work?
or do you feel there's someone out there who will write your story in the way you've written his?
{SPEAKER name="David C. Ward"}
I was going to ask and actually close proceedings by asking are you going to write about yourself.
{SPEAKER name="Patti Smith"}
Well, I love to...I am writing another book already.
I started...once I finished that book, I couldn't stop writing, I just kept going,
and because my mind, I so disciplined myself to write and think about, you know, all of these times.
I have a certain time period that I would like to write about from a different point of view,
just kids with completely filtered, as much as I could it was filtered through Robert and I, because that was my task.
But I would like to write a book even sort of in the same time period, from my own point of view
that really is, you know, my thoughts, my thoughts of being a girl, my thoughts in being a young artist, my thoughts in writing the songs that I wrote
but I like writing about when I was younger, especially childhood. It's --
I don't think that I'll write a whole lot after a certain period because it's just too close to me, but I can't imagine really that anybody could
write my story past a certain age except maybe my daughter, who knows me best.
{SPEAKER name="David C. Ward"}
Well, we'll have her when she does that. [[audience laughter]] Again, Patti Smith, thank you, it's been a pleasure.
{SPEAKER name="Patti Smith"}
Thank you.
