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5/20/81: Meeting to prepare for Deaf Folklore presentations at FAI-

[Present: Participants: Jack Gannon, Bill Ennis, Tom Fields (who came in later). Interviewers: Jo Radner, Simon Carmel. Interpreters: JohnMark Ennis, Karla Ennis, Shirley Shultz]

T-1, S-1

000  JG: Life story. B. Missouri, moved to CA with family, deadened by meningitis age 8; returned to Mo. after WW II, graduated from Mo. School for the Deaf, to Gallaudet 5 years, met future wife. After marriage, moved to Nebraska, both teachers of the deaf. Nine years in Nebraska then back to Gally 1968 as Director of Alumni Relations. 

017  JG: History of writing Deaf Heritage (project beg. 1977). "Deaf Voltaire"
031  JG: His aims for Deaf Heritage. His family's involvement in the book. (0471. His daughter's (8 yr. old) prayer in church service when book was finally finished: "Thank God Daddy's finished his book'

063  Gannon's favorite stories from book: those about off causes to which deafness used to be attributed. (sore eyes; sprain; immodest behavior; swallowing a chaw of tobacco).

107  Stories about deaf baseball players discussed. Story re 'Dummy' Taylor and the Rain collected by JG while JG was visiting Kansas School for the Dead where taaylor went-- museum there. 
Hoy--credited with invention of ball/strike count signs because he couldn't lipread from the outfield. 

146  S. Carmel: Story of Hoy and jockey.

162  Helms Hall of Fame (for deaf atheletes) in L.A. (JG)

173  BE: memory of baseball pitcher famous for cussing; JG identifies him as Taylor. 

190  SC: Story about Taylor, bored on baseball, wandering, looking in stands for deaf person, signing "Anybody deaf? Anybody Deaf?" till he found someone to converse with. (collected 2 yrs ago from deaf man in NY)

195  JG: similar story re Fred Scheriber (NAD) trying to identify person sent to meet him at the airport, finally signing "I am F.S...."

207  SC: similar airport story from last fall in Pittsburgh--signing "I am deaf" til he was identified. 

216  BE: story re Joanne Greenberg (JE?) telling about how she wd go to mental hospitals where staff didnt know which patients were deaf, go through aisles signing till people responded.