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Logger: Mary Resing
Reel#2 NJ Celeb June 25, 1983
Bernies Orchestra
34 min (9) "Junge' die Weld ist Schön"
37 min (10) discussion
40 min (11) "Ein Prosit"
42 min (12) "Im Munchenstät ein Hofbran Haus"
45 min (13) "The Happy Wander"
47 min (14) "The Snow Walty"

2:30 Reel#3 1983-RR-154

0 (1) "The Sailor"
3 min (2) "Im Himmel das ist kein beir"
"In Heaven there is no beer"
6 min (3) " Lapa loma"
10 min (5) "Ein Prosit"
15 (6) Bernie Bunger Sr & Mrs. Bunger
                + Daughter & Grandaughter
Costume discussion  
Herman Cooking
37 min (7) "Rheinländer"
39 min (8) "So lange die Sonne Schein"
"As long as the Sun Shines"
44 min (9) "Die Vogeltang" The Chicken Dance

Reel#4   1983-RR-155

2:20 0 min (1) "Blowing the House Down"
     1 min (2) Discussion of Shuplan or Fast Waltz
     3 min 3 "Shuplan"