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New Jersey Celebration 6:30PM
Midday Meals- vegetable & a starch fieldgreens, corn, cornmeal -meal & water
Dinner- fish, cornbread, Collared Greens, Ham Hocks
New Jersey- Meals include a lot of frozen vegetables
Turnip, beets, cotton, Bell Pepper, ButterBeans
Participant discuss changes in their foodwayo and the differences. between theer Alabama & New Jersey environments.

Japanese Dance Workshop 2:55PM
kazuyo NAKAO, Sunkie Dye Dance Instructors - Tokyo Onkyo
w/Sandy Ikeda, Teddy Yoshikamu 2nd Drummers -
interviews Host norma threadgill[[?]]
N.J-ALA. club worship- discussionswith various members of N.J.-Alabama club.
4:30pm Japanese Workshop- Drumming Soh-DAiko
TAi-ko Drumming demonet[[?]] nothing