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Tape Three Sylvan 3 July 83 Habben
0255 - aint god a good god?
0645 (never saw so many atheists grooving to [[crossed out]] ch [[/crossed out]] gospel in one place at Sylvan Th.)

0656 - (continue - the entire crowd 
0728  is standing, shaking & jumping in a frenzy w/ j.c. fever.)

0798 - together we can do it
1145  "Please Be Patient w/ me"

1145 - 1324 (throws an album into the crowd)
"Can you feel God movin'?"
1328 - "Reach out & touch"
Daryl Henry - lead guitar
Henry Redmond - drums
Marvin Bradshaw - bass guitar
Gregory Herbert - organ
Abraham McCabe - Bariton